
Anne Coles has faithfully edited our “Newmag” for more years than she or we care to remember and we owe her a deep debt of gratitude.. At last the time has come for her to retire, so we desperately need a new editor! Remember that this is a team effort where we all try to help the production. If you’d like to learn more about this opportunity, speak with Anne or use our Contact Form for more information. NewsMag needs you!

Our Guild’s Magazine regularly includes construction articles, news of the Company and historical articles as well as photo reports and articles about the most recent meeting.

The Editor welcomes all responses and possible contributions from any Meccano hobbyist. They can be sent by post to her or by email to the Chairman.

Printed copy should ideally be in 10pt Arial on A4 with 15mm margins. Photos should be suitable for reproduction in B/W.

Electronic copy is welcome in “MSWord” format, and photos or drawings in jpg or tiff format. All editorial rights are reserved.

 “Newsmag” goes back to the earliest days of the Guild. Its original editor was the Founding Father of the Guild, Geoff Coles, and his widow, Anne, continues it as a necessary service to the Guild and a living tribute to Geoff.

Like many publications it began as a typewritten duplicated document with drawings and sketches done by hand and no photographs. Gradually quality improved, and photos appeared, first in stark black and white, then gray-scale came later, and now sometime in colour as well.