
Club Meetings take place in the Oxton Village Hall, situated in the middle of the village on Main Street, just north of Nottingham and on the road to Southwell. Drive up the main street and 100 yards past the Parish Church you will find the entrance to the Village Hall on the left.

Set your Satnav or Google maps to Oxton Village Hall, NG25 OSA.

Meetings are normally held on the third Saturday of January, May  and September (AGM) each year. Subscriptions are payable in September.

The hall offers plenty of space for members and their models. There are usually several dealers on site, and our helpers in the kitchen serve great refreshments! There is a large car park in front, but please leave a central lane through it clear at all times. The meetings open officially at 10am, though doors open well before then for setting up of tables, models, etc.  A short business meeting takes place at 3 p.m. It is open to all, though only members are entitled to vote. An agenda is displayed during the meeting: please give good notice to the committee if you wish to raise anything under ‘Any Other Business’.

The Meeting is followed by an auction of Meccano-related items. There is no buyer’s commission, but 10% of sales goes to club funds.

We clear the hall at the end of the day by 5pm, and it is very helpful if members can help with clearing their own area at least.  

CAN I COME? What does it cost?

Of course! We’d love to meet you. These aren’t public meetings, but non-members are welcome to attend as guests or by prior application to one of the committee members. For security reasons it is essential that Guests should introduce themselves on arrival to one of the officers. Find them at the table to the left of the main entrance.

Guests are welcome to attend their first meeting free of charge, but should they wish to come again, they would be expected to join the Guild. A year’s UK subscription is £25.00 and includes 3 issues of our magazine, the Meccano Newsmag. Junior and family subs are discounted, while delivery outside the UK is a little higher – contact us for details.


Certainly: you are welcome to bring a model or a Meccano-related exhibit for display in the main hall but it is not a condition of entry!

There is no size limit on exhibits, but at busy times exhibitors will be expected to squeeze up without question to make room for late arrivals.  We can get very full, so let us know before if you are planning to bring something particularly large!

Again for reasons of space if you have any items for sale please display them either within the table length occupied by your model or on one of the tables in the back room with either an honesty box or a note about to whom payment should be made.

Members and Guests may also bring their own table coverings and signage.


We are very glad to welcome children and there are usually play-facilities for them, but all children remain under the responsibility of those bringing them while they are on the premises.


Photographs may be freely taken, as long as you seek permission of their parents or guardians where children are major characters in the shot.

Members and Guests may also bring their own table coverings and signage.

THE NEXT NEWSMAG carries a report of each meeting. Various people will take photographs of the displays, but it is up to you to provide the Chairman with as useful a write-up on your display as possible. We can’t invent what you don’t tell us!

The editor is glad to consider graphics or text for publication in Newsmag.


Mains Power leads are provided by club. PAT testing of electrical items is not specifically required, but Guild officials reserve the right to inspect any items and to reject those deemed dangerous.

Can’t make the meetings? Don’t worry! We realise that some people would like to be members but will rarely if ever be able to attend a meeting. That’s not a problem – just send a cheque or equivalent for £25.00 to our treasurer Mrs Anne Coles, Little Court, Bleasby, Nottingham, NG14 7GH and we will sign you up for the current year. For this you will get 3 issues of our magazine, the Meccano Newsmag, delivered post free to your home.

Of course, if you ever find yourself nearby on the day of a meeting, we still hope you will manage to call in!

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